Instead of thermos

Do not have a thermos to trip, or do you keep eg a baby’s bottle warm ?

In olden days, one often plain newsprint and a woolen sock to keep bottles warm. Wrap the bottle in newspaper and place in the woolen socks , so keeps the beverage warm for several hours.

Have you no clean woolen socks go nearly as well with just newspapers too.

Instead of thermos
Image and idea: Polarn o Pyret

Cool Plate with simple means

A fun and smart way to get a neat and professional painting is to put masking tape over the canvas before painting .

Now you can go wild with the colors , or why not allow a toddler to stand for painting ? Use what you want to paint with a brush, sponge fingers.

Once the fabric has dried , it is just picking off the masking tape , and presto you have a fancy artwork to hang up . Or maybe sell ?

Cool plate

Cool plate 2
Image and idea: Pinterest, Momnifique